Metabolism is the rate at which we consume calories. It is affected by many factors: gender, age, weight, height and activities. Genetic factors (DNA) also play a role many times. What can you do to increase your metabolism naturally?

1. Devide your meals


Activate your metabolism by dividing your meals into 5-6 small, nutritious meals per day. So, your body has more energy to digest food and increase your metabolic rate.

2.Drink cold water

For our metabolism to work properly, we need water. Drinking cold water or living at cold temperatures forces our body to burn more calories. Water also creates a sense of satiety and detoxifies the human body. Drink about ten glasses of water a day. If you have increased physical activity, you need to drink even more water.

3. Increase muscle mass


This is the best way to increase your metabolism. The more muscles you have the greater the number of calories you burn during exercise and when you perform any other activity.

4. Exercise


Physical activity consumes 20-40% of the daily calories. The suggested physical exercise is 4-5 times a week from 40 minutes each time. Getting a quick walk can make a difference.

5.Sleep at least 7 hours a night

Sleep, it has beneficial effects on your health. Insomnia can create a greater sense of hunger and affect your metabolism. People who suffer from insomnia may have a prolonged sense of hunger, even if their diet is correct in quantity, due to the effect of lack of sleep on the secretion of cortisol, a hormone that regulates appetite. So try to ensure at least seven hours of sleep in the evening.