The Christian Easter, or commonly Paschalia or Lambri, is the most important celebration of the Christian ecclesiastical year. It is believed to have its roots in Hebrew Pesah, the first of the three great Israeli feasts in the early Spring. Christians celebrate Easter, the resurrection of Christ and their release from sin and death, giving another meaning to the feast.

The first centuries, because of the persecution of Christians, the celebrations of Holy Week and Easter did not exist. The customs were changed by Emperor Constantine and the first Holy Week functions began in Jerusalem. Following a decision of the First Ecumenical Synod, in 325 AD. Easter was set to be celebrated on all Christianity on the first Sunday after the full moon of the spring equinox, in order to keep the sequence of events after Hebrew Easter.

During the ceremony of the Resurrection, the priest says "take some light" in the Gate, and the faithful carry the sacred flame with their candles to their homes to have the blessing of the Risen Christ. Believers after the Resurrection ceremony, and for 40 days, give the kiss of love with the wishes of "Christ Risen and True Risen". According to the custom, after the Resurrection, a dinner takes place in the houses of the faithful with the traditional meal magiritsa.

In Greece there are many customs for Christian Easter, but the most popular is Easter Sunday, where traditional spits with lamb and kokoretsi take their place in the gardens and courtyards of the houses and celabrate. On Easter also at custom, we dye red eggs because they symbolize the blood of Christ that He gave for the salvation of the world.

Our Church for 40 days after Easter has established the so-called Risen Prayer.