Color is one of the most basic tools in architecture and interior design. Choosing the right color will make a room to look bigger, add light and warmth to your home.

In Feng Shui, color is used for positive energy, good mood and success. It also represents the five basic elements: fire, earth, metal, water, wood and the cardinal points.

White color in Feng Shui
In a small apartment, white color will visually expand your space. White, represents metal and removes any negative energy. It also removes illness and bad luck.

Yellow color in Feng Shui

The brighter color of the rainbow symbolizes the sun, nourishment and happiness. The yellow color of the sun will fill the space with positive energy and will make it attractive and welcoming.

Red color in Feng Shui

In Chinese culture red color represents passion, romance and bravery. For a space with the fire element, choose courageously red color.

Green color in Feng Shui

Growth, Health, Harmonization with the Earth as we talk about the element of wood. Green color in many shades can positively help your health and balance your life.

Feng Shui of Color Orange

Another color of the element of fire brings optimistic thoughts and summer dreams. Orange represents family and socialization.

Blue Color in Feng Shui

Peace, Calm, Tranquility. Blue as an element of water, is an excellent color for good health (East), career (North) and economy (Southeast).

Gray color in Feng Shui

Clarity, purity, neutrality. Sophisticated metal color, is to be placed at the right spot. To get the most out of gray energy, remember: West for creativity, Northwest for good social contacts and North for career.

Purple Color in Feng Shui

Royal color that emits mystery and noble behavior. From the colors of fire, suitable for meditation and healing.

Pink color in Feng Shui

Gentle, tender, it radiates love. The element of fire with another color that fills the space with harmony and pleasant emotions.

Black color in Feng Shui

It travels you to the unknown, absorbs the infinite element of water. It gives strength in space, but it is unsuitable for a child's room and the roof of your bedroom.

Brown color in Feng Shui

Strength, grounding, stability. The element of wood brings only positive thoughts and associations. The Feng Shui points that benefit most from the brown energy are Health East, South East for Money and South for Reputation.

Remember to listen to your instinct. The right color for you is what really delights you. We will guide you to the point where you will find your own way.