Low levels of iron can cause a tone of symptoms. The main role of iron in our body is to transfer oxygen to each of our cells. Consequently, lacking it causes problems and disorders in the body. Let's see what symptoms a patient may experience.

1. Infections

Low levels of iron weaken the immune system and make us more susceptible to infections.

2. Paleness

Iron deficiency may become apparent. The color inside the lower eyelid may be lighter or the skin of a patient may look pale. This is due to low hemoglobin levels.

3. Tongue Discomfort

Lack of oxygen can cause discomfort, pain or even swelling of the muscles of the tongue.

4.Nervousness and Restless Legs Syndrome

This causes the person's intense desire to move his legs from nervousness during sleep, which weakens the patient's peace of mind.

5. Pica

There is a possibility that the patient may harm his health by consuming non-edible substances, as he has an irresistible desire to consume soil, chalk or even clay.

6. Pagophagia

Anemia often causes a strong desire to consume ice.

7. Exhaustion and Lack of Concentration

Fatigue is a common phenomenon and the patient feels he does not have enough energy to cope with his daily duties.

8. Tachycardia and Stress

Arrhythmia or tachycardia is a result of chronic iron deficiency. This deficiency affects the heart and the nervous system.

9. Headache

Severe headaches can be caused by the inadequate amount of oxygen in the body.

10. Hair loss

The body gives priority to vital organs by sending oxygen first to those. As a result, hair becomes brittle and severe hair loss occurs.

11. Thyroid Disorders

Iron deficiency blocks metabolic functions as well as thyroid function.