In order your dog to have a proper and balanced diet you need to know which food is beneficial to his or her body and which ones may be disastrous. We must always keep under concideration the age, waight and breed. A dog always needs fresh water, as well as the right food. Our four-legged friend may be a member of our family, but it's body does not have the same reactions to food with a human.

Food that a dog is not allowed to consume


1. Milk

Some Dogs can not break down lactose and as a consequence it causes bloating, bowel pain and colitis.


Fried oil also causes gastrointestinal problems

3. Fats

In large quantities daily fat consumption causes obesity, colitis, diabetes, arthritis and cardiovascular problems.

4. Sugar

Blindness may be a myth, but frequent sugar consumption causes fatigue, obesity, or even seizures.

5. Snacks

Chips, preservatives and salt are prohibited.

6. Grapes or Raisins

We suggest that they are avoided because of potential acute renal failure.

7. Bones

Many negative effects follow their consumption. They injure or break the teeth and can pierce the stomach, especially dangerous are chicken bones. A large bone can clog the intestine and become fatal.

8. Spicy or Hot

Pepper, red hot peppers or other spicy seasonings cause chronic conditions such as gastritis or colitis.

9. Salt

It can be delicious, but addictive, damaging the kidneys, causing trembling, hyperactivity and diarrhea.

10. Onion

It causes anemia and gastrointestinal upset.

11. Mushrooms

Fungi cause irreversible complications.

12. Avocado

Its toxins cause poisoning.

13. Garlic

Only in minimal quantity can be consumed, in large doses causes anemia.

14. Lemon

It causes upset stomach and damage the nervous system.

15. Alcohol

It is toxic and can cause death.

16. Chocolate, Coffee, Tea

They cause tachycardia, hypertension, trembling and even internal bleeding.

17. Raw Salmon

It causes poisoning, vomiting, fever and even death.

18. Liver

In large quantity It causes a stomach problem and serious bone lesions.

19. Nuts

Cause depression, trembling and vomiting.

20. Corn

Consumption leads to gastrointestinal problems.