
Trading - forming - glazing.
Energy glazing, crystals, mirrors.
Hanging in double glazing.

The company PIERIA GLASS, Stylianos Koupourtidis & Co, based in Katerini, is located in the 1st kilometer of the provincial road of Katerini to Keramidi.
The company is active in the glass processing sector for more than 30 years, specializing in the manufacture of double-glazed blinds.

Its privately-owned 2.600-square-meter plant, state-of-the-art mechanical equipment, the use of state-of-the-art and efficient technology, and the ever-trained human resources contribute to being one of the industry's top positions.
Continuous exploration and collaboration with leading European technology companies, and not just countries, further extend our knowledge and capabilities in the field of glass processing.

The modern needs of architectural building, as well as the continuous search for new products, have led to the creation of an innovative research and technology division within our factory facilities.
